Exploring the features of Rollover 2

Get ready for Rollover 2 - the most advanced animation app in the Wix App Market. Rollover 2 is a huge update which brings a dozen new effects, and tons on improvements through the app. We’re on mission to bring advanced web animation to everyone.
Features and pricing:
You can try rollover free, for 14 days. We hope you love it. After 14 days, the price will be $4.99 a month, but with annual purchases, this drops by 20%.
Customize Dozens of Effects
From cutting edge to classic, and all fully customisable. You have a suite of 30+ effects to choose from to bring your site to life
Go Mobile First
We’ve done everything we can to ensure an incredible mobile experience. Customise how your effects are triggered, define mobile specific elements of your site, customise fonts and widget size.
Full Width Responsive Strips
Create full width responsive Rollovers! Beautiful, stunning animated strips and backgrounds for your Wix Site
New - Link to Anything
Use Wix’s advanced Link Picker tool to link to anything, documents, email, anchors, other websites, and make Rollover an integrated, interactive part of your site
New - Advanced Layout Options
With Rollover 2, you can move you text around, in any way you like Add padding to change the height and width of your text areas - perfect for when you need precision with your design
New - Activate Effects with touch
We added the option to run the effect on button click, or touch - not just hover. This is perfect for touchscreens
New - Use Super Sharp SVGs
With Scalable vector graphic, Rollovers look sharp, no matter how big you make them
New - Sophisticated Motion Blur
We’ve brought motion blur to the web - previously only really seen in movies, this advanced animation technique is used on some of our effects
Improved Mobile performance
Now, the effects run to completion with a single touch, no more half-run effects. Plus, we sped up how the images load with pre-loading tools to ensure fast mobile animations every time.
Intelligent image Optimisation
You can upload images of up to 15mb, and Wixs’ advanced image compression tools take care of the rest. We also resize the images you use, so no matter what size of screen they are viewed on, they l
Beautify images with Dual-Colour filters
Use the dual colour filters on your images to match your brand colours, correct any imperfections with the original photographs
Get Help and Support
Premium users are guaranteed a response within 24 hours, they can also request specific effects from the developers.
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