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We're pleased to announce the Release of Rollover's Artisan Pack 1. This is a set of three new effects which will bring more creative options for your Wix site. Artisan Pack Effects are single image effects, with sophisticated and subtle animations of the image and text.

For these Effects, we don't need a Start and End tab, so have created a Settings tab, where everything can be configured. Everything apart from the link option, which has it's own seperate tab.


Single Image Effects

Stylish Animations Dual Colour filters with Angle Selector Heading and Sub Heading fields editor. With full control of font, font colour & opacity and font size.

Line Colour editor

Lets' look at these effects in more detail:

JASMINE: On Rollover (or touch on mobile) The photo zooms out slightly and there is a semi-transparant wash that wipes across the image from the upper right corner to the lower left, and the sub heading is revealed, with an upwards movement from the bottom right of the frame.

kAYLA: On Rollover (or touch on mobile), The Heading text raises up slightly, and a line and sub heading text is revealed with an upwards movement.

EMILY: On Rollover (or touch on mobile) The photo zooms out slightly and there is a semi-transparant wash that wipes across the image from the upper right corner to the lower left, and the sub heading is revealed, with an upwards movement from the bottom right of the frame.


Take a look at this video, which was made midway through the development cycle and so, doesn't have all the features we've added since then, but it's pretty close and should give an idea of how these new effects work.


These effects are exclusively for Premium Customers, they won't work if you're on the free tier. We've done this in the hope that many more people will upgrade to Premium, meaning we can continue to work on this full time to bring you more and more effects!

We've also gone through the original 12 effects and fixed all those annoying bugs!

Coming soon, we have 9 more effects that complete the Artisan Pack series there are a ton of new features for Premium Customers, including linking to anchors and opening links in new windows, linking to emails, videos, auto-dial on mobile and more.


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