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Refreshing the blog

You'll notice a slightly new look to the blog pages on this site, it was long overdue an update in style, and it gives us an opportunity to talk all about blogs. Why Not Switch to the new Wix Blog?

We're still using the original Wix Blog, so we're limited in styles compared to the updated Wix blog, but, until they give us a method of importing posts into the new version, here's where we will live.

What's with the new look?

It's more evolution than revolution. Let's start with the font - gone is the Lulo clean, Linotype font pairing, and in is a pairing of Avenir for the headings and Futura light for the body text. We wanted a refined feel, less of the brashness of the first look. What about the colours?

Our main brand colours have had a switch up in emphasis. Out is the Yellow Sunglow, and in is Stromboli Green.

What no Rollovers?

So glad you noticed. The Wix blog doesn't support our, or any animations. We know everyone wants this. This is why it's good news that Wix are working on open API's for third-party developers, and when they do, Rollover is at the front of the queue.We've got a vision of how to integrate Rollover into the blog app, by assigning our widgets to individual posts, right induce the Rollover App.

So, what's the chatter on this here blog?

Our content strategy will be based around a few strands. Our stats say that Tutorials are the most popular posts, and most searched for topic area.We also see that Example videos get watched a lot, so well be posting these much more regularly. We'll also be featuring work from our favourite worldwide Wix designers.


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