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While we were looking for great examples of how our Rollover app was being used we came across this handy website to studying in Hungary. The site is all about enticing visitors to visit Hungary offering introductory courses to the Hungarian language and culture, the world of stop-motion and the Soviet Kitsch.

“From the first idea to the successfully completed program. We take care of all the painstaking logistics and practicalities. Budget planning, orientation, emergency cards, meals, accommodation, guest professors, lecture rooms, site visits, cultural activities and field trips.”

The rollover app has been used in a fun way utilising a card flip motion to switch between images and course breakdowns . Nice going!

If you’d like to add our Rollover app to your site, check out this link:

What do you think of Our Life Coaches use of our app? Have you found a great use for our Rollover effect? Why not drop us a comment below and let us know!


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