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While we were looking for great examples of how our Rollover app was being used we came across life trainer Mr Marty Azoulay's site, Our Life Coach. Operating out of Encino (on the outskirts Los Angeles), Mr Azoulay provides one-on-one sessions with clients on Tuesdays, both in person and via Skype.

“One of the hardest lessons we have to learn in life is that happiness cannot be achieved by how much we amass—in our personal lives, in our careers, or in our relationships. It is only when we are able to get our emotional house in order that we can truly find happiness.”

The rollover app has been used in a thought provoking way by applying motivational boosts overlayed over beautiful imagery and his three point policy to a happier life.

If you’d like to add our Rollover app to your site, check out this link:

What do you think of Our Life Coaches use of our app? Have you found a great use for our Rollover effect? Why not drop us a comment below and let us know!


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