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The end is (nearly nigh)

When I recently received an email with the subject line 'finished' it marks the culmination of 20 months of development since the day we began work on updating the original Rollover App. Here's seven of the most important lessons I've learnt.

Don' t over Multi-task

At one point, i had a 'mentor' his terrible advice was to attack on as many fronts as possible. Bad Idea. And my then CTO told me so. I didn't take the advice from the CTO, and at one point, had three products, all half built, all buggy, all not fit for purpose. When I stripped two of them away, and just focussed on one, my stress levels dropped and the one product got built, is bug free and fit for purpose. Be Patient

Things will break, things will go wrong, your team might not fix or figure out a fi for days or weeks. Patience, is a virtue

Things will take wayyyyyyyy longer than you think

Some jobs, have a definite time limit, for instance, making toast will take five minutes, doing the laundry, will take 1 hour. Developing apps and trying things no one else has.. kinda hard to put a definite timescale on that on. Whatever you think it'll take, double that and add a bit of extra

Don't Stop Developing your Live Product.

As we have now learnt, bringing in a whole new product takes a long time. That means the original app we have in the app market, hasn't had an update now, for the best part of two years. A better move, would have been to have carried on adding small features to the app - but hey ho, that never happened.

Tackle the hardest things first

You know that tricky task that no-one has done, but you know it can be done, but you don't know how... stop procrastinating and just do it. First, before the easy bits

Don't get set in your ways

This is a tricky one, because the developers will always be clashing with product managers who want the latest feature added - now, even tho it wasn't in the product at the start of the project. Believe in your Product

If you don't no-one will. Fight through the dark lonely hours, where you worry about costs, functionality, your purpose on this planet. Keep going, keep going, and keep going some more.

To get early access to Rollover 2, click here


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