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Pet Passports
What is PETS?
Since 2000, the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) has allowed cats, dogs and ferrets to enter the UK from certain countries without having to be placed in quarantine. This means you can now take pets on holiday with you, subject to the conditions of the scheme.
Which animals can travel?
Currently only dogs, cats and ferrets are covered by PETS.
Which countries currently participate in PETS?
Animals resident in the UK can now travel to most European countries as well as many more distant destinations.
For cats and dogs travelling between qualifying PETS countries and / or re-entering the UK after 1st January 2012 there is no longer any requirement for a qualifying blood test following rabies vaccination provided the following conditions are satisfied:
• Your pet must have a permanent microchip implanted.
• Your pet must have an up to date rabies vaccination (currently these are valid for 3 years)
• Your pet must have a PETS passport signed by an official veterinary surgeon.
• Some destinations need additional export certification.
• Following the initial issue of a PETS passport there is a 21 day wait before entry or re-entry into the UK is allowed.
• Veterinary-certified tapeworm treatment must be administered 1-5 days prior to entering or returning to the UK.
• On re-entry to the UK you are also likely to need to sign a declaration stating that your pet has not been outside any of the qualifying countries before re-entering the UK.
An export differs from a passport in that it is valid for a one way journey from the UK to another country and is appropriate for countires not in the PET scheme eg Brazil, Israel. Export requirements vary widely between different countries and the first step you must take is to contact DEFRA to fill in an application for export. This application will also have a section to put our details on it so we can carry out the necessary steps to issue completed export certification.
We would strongly advise you start this several months before you intend to travel as export requirements sometimes involve several blood tests and treatments which need to be administered at specific intervals prior to the export date. Once you have filled out your application for export it is sent back to DEFRA. The export paperwork is then sent directly to us for completion. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding exports.
For further information on passports or exports please go to the DEFRA website:
http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-pets/pets/travel or phone DEFRA on +44 (0)870 241 1710
All our veterinary surgeons are Local Veterinary Inspectors and can act on behalf of DEFRA to authorise and complete the relevant documents.
A pet passport is suitable for travelling between countries within the PETS scheme. If you are travelling to a country which is not in the PETS scheme then you will need to apply for an export licence.
Pet Passports: New Regulations for Pet Passports came into effect on January 1, 2012

At Blythwood we are pleased to offer a comprehensive service for pet passports or pet exports